We have helped thousands of ladies transform their lives in fat loss, competition prep, powerlifting, marathon running, CrossFit... the list goes on! We pride ourselves in creating plans custom to YOU and your unique goals.

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Alejandra Jaime

Day One or One Day

We began our journey at the first of lockdown back in March 2020 & haven't looked back since! We've now been through a successful cut dropping 30+ lbs into a reverse dieting phase to focus on building lean muscle mass, bringing calories up and priming her body for the next go around. Her next go around? Stepping on a NPC stage in November 2021!

Stop Wishing, Start Doing!

We began our journey together at the start of December, in the midst of a packed holiday season, and went FULL speed ahead since!

After a successful initial cutting phase, we are well into our reverse & have made some serious body recomposition changes in the last 8 months!

Sydney Grendow

Left was during quarantine where I was doing half ass home insta workouts, eating & drinking whatever and didn't have much discipline or motivation

Fast forward a month or so after lockdown took place, I decided to hire my first coach. Safe to say she helped me change everything.

Right is my most recent & favorite physique I've achieved so far in my fitness journey. I've been working with Brooklyn for 1.5 years now & I'm more educated, discipline, motivated, confident & HAPPY!

I have a solid training program, better understanding of tracking my food while hitting my macro goals & I've developed healthy habits that added up to the bigger picture... It's crazy to think this is only the beginning!

8 Weeks to Your Best...

Thank you again for another great 8 week challenge! I really loved the 4-week splits and genuinely looked forward to my workouts everyday- and really loved the workout app!

I've never been one to track my workouts so closely and I never realized how big of a change it would make in my workouts!

These past 8 weeks are only just the beginning. I started with Brooklyn for accountability After just completing grad school and starting a new job, I knew that this was the perfect time to make my health a priority.

During these 8 weeks, I have developed confidence. I've developed confidence in my training and in my nutrition, and I've learned how to have balance in my everyday life while still achieving physique goals.

I am so thankful I decided to join Brooklyn on this journey, and I see myself working with her for quite some time.

Two things I've learned throughout this time in life is all about balance, and to keep giving 100%, even when that 100% looks different each day. I've also come to realie that I can still enjoy life while focusing on health. I don't have to be so restrictive in my eating and can still enjoy the foods I like.

I feel strong and confident, both inside and outside of the gym which was sometyhing lacking prior to this. I've also found a love for healping others feel the way I do and am now pursuing becoming a CPT through NASM. I'm excited to see where the rest of my time with TBB takes me.

My main goal throughout this challenge was to work on balance and focus on fueling my body with nutitious foods. I prioritized reducing the number of processed foods I was using for meal sources and worked on getting in more whole foods. I also tried to substitute out as many processed snacks as possible but did not deprive myself of a craving if I really wanted it.

During this challenge, I was finishing up my second semester of my MBA program and after I finished up the semester, I took a much-needed vacation. I thinmkl this is the first vacation I've had since joining the team where I honestly didn't feel a lot pressure or guilt around what I ate or the time I took off.

I can't even begin to express my gratiutude towards you. I came to you two years ago right before the pandameic looking for a change. You got me to understand the importance of rest and now I cannot imagine working out as much as I was before. I physically couldn't haha. I am no longer running my body into the ground and it feels great.

Throughout each training block you always challenged me and literally forced me to grow and I
am so proud of my strength gains and tghe change in my physique. I definitely got uncomfortable as I had to do things I had never done, but you were there to reassure me that my body needed to do this to get healthy. I can confidently say that I feel the best I ever have and you are a huge part of that.

Learn to become happy with everything that doesn't include a number. Took me 8 years of fitness and nutrition practice to get to a healthy state of mind.

Currently 1,820 cals, much happier and content human being who realizes I work hard every single day and am a great person aside from any number, accepting of new challenges to better myself not only physically, but more so mentally.

Just know that there are so many ways to find happiness within yourself, but you have to put in the work. That may include self help books, research, hiring a coach, and more.

First off, I'd like to thank you again for training me to complete one of my biggest and longest goals in my life. It was truly a dream experience. I expereinced SO much change in the last 12 weeks with your help and support. My body changed IMMENSELY, and I do not think I could be more confident with myself.

You have made such an impact on my life and I cannot thank you enough. In almost every aspect of my life, I've changed from who I was, and it was all for the better. I'm loving the way I look, feel, and the confidence I've gained. I've unlocked a level of self-love that I did not know I had because I was comfortable with who I was 7 months and 12 weeks ago, but now I just want to keep pushing to make myself better every day and not just stay in a comfortable spot.